The day after Labor Day seemed like a fine day to begin school, giving us one day to recuperate after two full days of travel. We opted to use Power Homeschool as our main curriculum for both kids for the year. We will supplement additional Spanish classes and reading and see how things go from here. The parent version allows me to see their progress in each subject and keeps track of their attendance and hours. I never thought I'd homeschool my kids and was terrified of the thought, but now that pretty much everyone has to do it, it seems a lot less daunting.
The first day went smoothly with Austin and Kate each chiseling away at their seven subjects online. Austin ended the school day saying he thought he learned more than in "normal" school. Yay, FTW! Now, if we could just get the kids off their devices later in the day!! The Covid Quarantine decimated our screen time house rules and now I don't know if we'll ever be able to get back to pre-quarantine screen time limits. You'd think the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean or the medieval castle staring right at you out your window would be entertaining enough, but... nah!